Key dates for Reception Admissions
01 November 2024
Online applications system opens
November and December 2024
Parent/carer visits - please contact the school office to make an appointment to visit our school.
15 January 2025
Deadline to apply for a school place
03 February 2025
Last date to submit reasons for making a late application and for that application to be considered 'on time'. And to provide evidence of a new address if you move house
03 March 2025
Last date to make a late application to be considered for allocation day.
16 April 2025
National Allocation Day
Although the 2023/24 admissions process has now closed, we are still able to offer in year admission places for pupils.
Our PAN (published admissions number) for each of our classes is 15.
The 2024/25 admissions process opens on 1st November 2024.
Please contact the school for more information or to arrange a visit.
Reception Admissions
When children start school
Your child can start in Reception class in the September following their 4th birthday and will be provided with full-time education at our school.
Legally, a child doesn't have to start school until the start of the term following their 5th birthday and you can find information about compulsory school age and deferral on the Herts County Council Admissions pages if this is something you would like to explore.
The admissions process
School admissions are coordinated by local authorities to ensure that children across the country are offered a single school place on the same day.
Parents of children coming up to school age will receive a booklet from Hertfordshire County Council, which contains information on how to apply for a primary school place.
All the information you need is given on the Herts County Council Admissions pages
In Year Admissions
If you have moved house, you can apply to change school during the school year. This is called an "in year admission".
You may have other reasons to want to switch schools but changing schools can be disruptive so we recommend you read Hertfordshire County Council's guidance before taking this step.
We are currently able to consider applications for all year groups.
Application process
Applications for an in year admission should be made online, you are required to provide proof of address with your application.
You will also need to ask your current school to complete an online form with extra information.
The admissions team will contact you within 2-3 weeks (10-15 school days) of receiving your application, proof of address and any additional documents needed to let you know whether your application has been successful.
You need to accept or decline any place offered.
Children with special educational needs
If your child has a statement of special educational needs or an Educational Health and Care (EHC) plan that names Sandon JMI School, your application will be handled by HCC's Special Needs Team.
Fair access protocol
The local authority uses a set of principles known as the fair access protocol when considering in year admissions for "hard to place or vulnerable children. This is to ensure that all children get a suitable school place and that no school is asked to take an unreasonable number of children who have higher level of needs.
For more details, read the full fair access protocol hcc-fair-access-protocol-2023.pdf
Continued Interest or Appeals Process
You will have the right to appeal an in year admission decision if you make an in year application and a place can't be offered because the school has no vacancies when you apply.
Alternatively, contact the appeals team at or telephone them on 01992 588548
Continuing interests lists do not carry over from one academic year to another so, to retain your interest for a school you are required to make a new in year application.
To apply for a place at Sandon JMI School
Application is made online - click on the logo above to start or review your application.
If you need any help with applying online please call 01438 737 500 and they will be happy to help you.